Pro Rza


href="" title="parents love by RZA Pro, on Flickr">parents love
Once upon a time we are directly independent on our parents and relatives in my mongolia. This is nomadic life style that is needed human force more and more. Because many years ago we mongolia fight a variety weather diseases in every seasons winter, spring, summer and autumn to avoid lost livestock. That is why they were mostly needing human resource to do what is protecting livestock from weather disease. Therefore this is traditional culture heritage. when i was younger, my parents said me that you follow this rule to help with elder.

I paid my roompayment 250.000 Tugrug (Mongolian currency) a month by myself when i got my first full time job at 23.We had to buy our own clothes and toiletries from our earnings as well. My dad told me it would teach me the value of money and he was so right.I moved out a few years ago now and i know how to manage my money. Your kids will think it's harsh but honestly it's the best thing to do, i will do it when i have children.

You bet they should! I have no idea why young people think once they graduate but still live at home and are working why they shouldn't pay their parents rent. It boggles my mind! I have no idea where this came from, but for past years kids have gone out and worked and without asking have paid rent suitable to what their pay checks will endure. Your parents are trying to teach you responsibility with money so that when you move out on your own you won't have difficulties paying rent, electricity, gas, cable, phone and on and on it goes. I am sure if your job is not a great hourly rate your parents will only take off enough rent so you end up with some money to spend on yourself.

Think of this one ... do you expect maid service? Well, that's exactly what you are asking from your parents. Your mother has more things to do than your laundry, cooking for you, making lunches for you, buying your clothes and wiping your nose! Late teens and on scream out that they are independent, but they sure don't act like it.

Your parents love you, want the best for you, and I'm sure if you lost your job or had some difficulties the door is always open to you and they wouldn't expect this rent if you weren't working. Don't get any ideas about quitting your job (if you have one) because if you aren't working then you should be doing the cooking, cleaning, and wiping everyone else's noses.

On a side note, if you are saving for college(or a car or something you really need) and your parents have insisted that you must pay for it alone I think it is nasty of them to ask for rent. If you have to pay rent anyway you might as well move somewhere where you are living out from under your parent's rules and get that growing-up experience. If you don't want to have to live in the lower rent areas most young people have to live in, or you don't want to have to cook, buy groceries etc then you should pay rent. There is no reason for you to freeload of off your parents. Jeez, raising you was expensive, they have spent enough time and money raising you. But, ask why they want rent from you, that might be enlightening.

Absolutely! I am an adult living in my mother's home while on a temporary work assignment. I expected to "pay my own way" and was well aware that my mother expected that also (or I'd be living out of a suitcase in a motel). In my situation is not so much a matter of economics but rather one of personal responsibility and ethics.